Find a therapist or supervisor

This service connects people searching for a therapist or supervisor with suitable qualified professionals registered with our membership community. Please complete the form below with your name, email address and details of your therapy or supervisor requirements.

Please note our Find a therapist or supervisor service is not suitable for those in crisis. If this applies to you please reach out to someone in your local support network or your local Crisis Service. Mind offers a comprehensive list of services that may be able to support you.

Personal details


I would like sessions to be:

My location is: (e.g. town/postcode)

My availability is:


8am - 12pm


12pm - 2pm


2pm - 6pm


6pm - 10pm

On receipt of this form we will ask our membership community if they can help. We will respond to your enquiry with a selection of therapists who have confirmed they meet your requirements. If we do not have any therapists who meet your requirements we will advise you of this as soon as possible. Please note any contract for services is directly with the therapist or supervisor you work with, not with Counsellors’ Staffroom. Please see our Find a therapist or supervisor terms before submitting your details.

By submitting this form you are providing your consent for Counsellors’ Staffroom to share the information you have included on this form with our therapist membership community, in line with our Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time by emailing us at